About Me

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I am a married woman with children out of the home now developing my own interests, hobbies making my way through the heat of the experiences and days of my life. (Click on pictures to enlarge.)


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Have you ever decided you are going to make some changes and you make a plan for those changes and start following the path to success in accomplishing those goals?
You take each step along the path one by one and slowly but surely you are crossing each step along the way off the list and are closer and closer to accomplishing your goal. 
Success is just around the corner, heck you can almost see it! 
And then out of nowhere you are hit by an obstacle. You didn't see it coming until it was almost on you. And it steamrolls you.That obstacle steamrolled me but good.
Last week I showed you a photo of me stuck on the couch with my injured leg. 
I just found out yesterday after the MRI results came in that it is fractured. Now another hospital trip later and a trip to the Specialist and I am in a traction splint cast and crutches for the next month minimum. No weight bearing. No running down nice paths such as these photos for now. 
No suntanning one leg, or dipping my toes in the lake. 
So now I have my goal still in my sights, but I have to adjust the outcome I'd set to achieve it. 
Sometimes the best laid plans have to be laid aside.
You have to be ready for Plan A to lead to Plan B or even on to Plan E, F or G. 
Have you ever been hit by your own particular brand of Steamroller???
Do share!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Not exactly a sweet shot for Tuesday but its where I am right now. 
I injured my knee in a workplace accident so am grounded for a bit. 
That means no photos for you. 
Just this and a pair of crutches that I am sure are trying to cripple me more! 
Hope your week is better than this!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finding the Pot of Gold

Lets have a Barbeque and a Fire my sister said. The sky is blue and the wind is calm, so its a good night for a fire don't you think???
So the Barbeque was good, we all ate a huge amount of Barbequed Ribs, finger licking good! 

But that sky was getting cloudy and dark and looking a bit ominous.

And when the match was struck to light the fire, it started to rain. And rain. And Thunder and Lightning. So what to do when it rains on your fire, move your chairs against the house under the eaves so that the only thing that gets wet is your knees and feet!

But it wasn't a complete rain out!. Into every life a little rain will fall. The rainbow at the end is a huge reward for bit of rain.

You can make plans, look forward to the results, but the outcome may not be what you planned!
And no matter what, its all good!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some Good Water

Last week I showed you all a bunch of pictures of the Medicine Hat Flood, which now is receding and everyone is now going through the steps to put their lives and homes back together again. That was a bad water event, so this week I thought I would take you to some fun water! 
These are taken in West Edmonton Mall and are photos of the main water feature in the heart of the mall. It includes a Pirate Ship which you can tour and an underground submarine you can travel in. Such a cool ride!

You can see all the stores that are located all around the top and level floors of the mall. You have good vantage points looking down and into the water feature.

A bridge to traverse from one side to the other.

The Pirate Ship

Sea lions live here too!

I love the patterns on the water in this small boat shot. It looks like its just waiting for someone to row the boat!

I hope you get to visit the Mall someday, it is huge! I am sure that we only got to see about one sixth of the entire thing in the six hours we were there. We will go back next time we are in Edmonton. 
It was much more fun to watch these waters than it was to watch the flood waters last week.