About Me

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I am a married woman with children out of the home now developing my own interests, hobbies making my way through the heat of the experiences and days of my life. (Click on pictures to enlarge.)


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today's Flowers

We went to a friend's place last night for a barbeque and farewell party to two friends who are moving soon to the interior. My friend lives on the outskirts of town and has a beautiful garden. I took a lot of pictures, here are a few for Today's Flowers. Her patio was decked out with a huge basket of Wave Petunias.
The last of the year's Lilacs.

Plants of the edible kind. Here are flowering Chives.
For more pictures of Flowers please visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 29, 2009

Skywatch Friday

A Sunset picture taken from Prospect Point in Stanley Park in Vancouver, B.C. For more pictures of the world's skies, please go to http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Today's post comes from Notombi Gardens located on the University of British Columbia Endowment grounds. This is a little oasis in the middle of the university. Very peaceful and serene.
Click on each picture to get the full effect!!

There were quite a few little bridges spanning over the meandering waters. Benches to sit and contemplate. Lots of Koi fish in the water as well to watch.
For more pictures of Watery Wednesdays, please visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook.


For Today...

Outside my window...The last of the day light is fading, its warm though and muggy out.

I am thinking... What a great day I had exploring the zoo today, all the fresh air and friends to spend it with...

From the kitchen... Finished cleaning up after supper, homemade Corn Chowder with Shrimp! Yum!!

I am wearing... Blue Yoga Pants, a tank top and white socks.

I am reading... A few Digital Photography Magazines I borrowed from the library.

I am hoping... We fly through our Accreditation process at work with flying colours.

I am creating... Another blog post for my blog of course!!

Around the house... The cat is sleeping on the couch and hubby is working on his business plan. I am trying to be quiet and not disturb his thoughts!

One of my favorite things... Taking pictures, figuring out more about my camera lately!

A few plans for the rest of the week...Making it through the work week and waiting on the weekend!!

A picture I would like to share.... was taken today on our visit to the Vancouver Zoo. This is a picture of the baby Giraffe, I just loved his shy look and his long eyelashes!!
I forgot to add it before starting this so I know it will go to the top of the post. I guess I am backwards this week!!
To read more entries from Simple Woman's Daybook please go to visit http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Macro Monday

A bee in my neighbour's Wisteria. I am going to keep trying to get a little closer photo and not get stung at the same time. To see other photos for Macro Monday please visit the link below.

Today's Flowers

A few pictures courtesy of my neighbour's garden taken yesterday. As we sat visiting in the back and having a glass of wine, I found a few things to take pictures of! Solomon's Seal.
A couple of roses from her birthday bouquet!

A small shot of her Wisteria tree.
For more of Today's Flowers please go and visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 22, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Here is a straight out of the camera shot of the Northshore mountains taken from the back of the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver today. There were alot of tourists here today celebrating Graduation. The Museum is located on the University of British Columbia Endowment grounds and today was Graduation!! We didn't know before we got there so it ended up being a somewhat hard day to take pictures if you minded having other people in your shots.
For more pictures of Skies around the Globe, go to http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Here are a couple of pictures I took In Stanley Park in Vancouver this past weekend. This picture looks across the waters towards North Vancouver.
A picture of a boat towing a sailboat. They were really moving fast!
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 18, 2009

Macro Monday

A couple of shots for Macro Monday!!
One of the Dandelion Puff Balls in the back yard. This little snail was climbing up the post in my front yard by the front door. I thought he kind of looked like a Space Ship!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Pictures taken at one of our local parks here. It was a beautiful sunny day. The last of the summer blossoms.
For more beautiful pictures of skies around the globe go and visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

I have been off line for a few days, due to my computer being relocated, or in other words my hubby took over my computer spot with his new one!! Since then Mother's Day has come and gone, and it is back to the grind of the workweek. Just thought as I cannot get at any of my pictures to post, I would instead share with you a letter my hubby wrote for me for Mom's Day and which was waiting for me when I got up Sunday.

Sunday, 2:00 AM
Hello Ska,
Have I told you lately that I love you just a little bit ?
The itinerary for your Mother's Day will include a Subway Submarine Sandwich meal with your Bear, followed by a
Dairy Queen Blizzard for dessert in Mill lake Park this afternoon / evening . This will be followed by picture taking in
the park, without any need for your cellphone or walkie-talkie because I will be right beside you, holding your hand ,
your camera bag, tripod and monopod for you and ready to kill muggers with a glance . Later in the evening, around
6 PM there will be a sappy, girlie movie rental of your choice, which I will sit and watch attentively with you while we
cuddle on the couch, you with a bottle of the finest vintage wine and me with a single malt scotch . Then I will go
early to bed with you and cuddle you to sleep. As you can see, your internet connection has been fixed . If you have a problem with it , restart the router . Please
work on the financials a bit today and leave the housework alone . I will be home early , before noon
to help you with the financials and get our day going.
Quaheystamaha(You dance in my heart ... )Love ,

Mother's Day is not my favorite day, I don't have good memories from year's past and to me this letter is his way of helping me to build some good memories instead.
I had a few tears reading this, and I knew that by the end of the day It would be a good one. A new and good memory to keep.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This and That

A little bit of this and a little bit of that for a Thursday.

1) I recieved my Income Tax return the other day and what a nice check that was!! I put it onto my Visa so it does not look so bad now and as well when you get some free money like that you should spend a bit of it on a little something you want but don't neccessarily need. So I did!!! I bought myself a SB600 external Speed Light For my Nikon camera and a Diffuse Light cover for it as well. I also bought a 90% bendable viewfinder. For the life of me I can't think of the real name for it without getting up and going to look. Anyways I have new toys!! It's always hard for me to buy myself something so I have to mention it because I actually did buy myself something!!
2)Survivor is on tonight and I am getting ready to head next door to my neighbour's place to watch the show. I just took my appy out of the oven and it smells wonderful!! Baked Onion Dip with multigrain crackers to eat it with. And a bottle of Merlot to share with everyone.
3) I went to a Specialist about my shoulder today. He had the MRI results, The C-T Scan results and the X-rays. It frustrates me no end when they can't figure out what is going on in my shoulder so automatically want to stick Cortisone shots in there and see if it will help. They can't even gaurantee that it will. I don't want to be a pin cushion or a guinea pig for it.
4)I watched the Oprah show today with her interview of Elizabeth Edwards and her new book Resilience. I think I want to get the book and read it. She talked a bit of how she is learning to live in the present with her cancer and the news of her hubbys infedelity and some of the things she was saying tweaked my curiousity enough that I think I have to read her book. Sometimes the time is right to hear the things you might of heard before but weren't willing to look at earlier. When the time is right they say the Teacher comes.
5)Its time to get my stuff together and head over to next door. An evening spent with friends, good food and wine is a nice way to spend the evening. Survivor sometimes gets watched while we are at it!!!
Enough of this, I'm off to that!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Watery Wednesday

For Watery Wednesday I have chosen a couple of pictures with some animals in as well.
I have taken quite a few pictures of the white goose above. He is a real ham when it comes to the camera. Actually I think he is just hoping for some food!

A turtle sunning himself on a log. It was a fairly warm day when this was taken. Enough to get him out of the water and onto the log.
For more Watery Wednesday shots please visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 4, 2009

Macro Monday

Just an ugly common fly taken while it was perched on one of my Rhododendrums. Click the picture to enlarge and see all his details.

Check out more pictures of Macro Monday at:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers a few pictures of just about done, In the middle and just starting in the growing cycle. The primulas are beautiful, I love the yellow and orange in the middles but it won't be long before they are on thier way out.
One of my Rhododendrum flowers is in the middle of its cycle. I love the little darker pink freckles in the centers.

And my lilacs are just beginning to bloom. I think by the end of the week they should be opening up and releasing their scent I wait all year to smell!!
For more entries into Today's Flowers please visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday this week I have chosen a few more pictures from a beautiful sunny day at White Rock Beach a couple of weeks ago. The sky was blue with a few clouds, the air was warm. A great day to hit the beach for a walk and to enjoy a fish and chips picnic!
The tide was out leaving little tidal pools up and down the beach.
For more pictures of skies around the world, visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/