About Me

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I am a married woman with children out of the home now developing my own interests, hobbies making my way through the heat of the experiences and days of my life. (Click on pictures to enlarge.)


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today's Flowers

Orange is my theme for Today's Flowers!
Such a wonderful colour for flowers!!

Its not just for Halloween!

To see more of Today's Flowers, please go and visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/


Luna Miranda said...

so rich and warm...love the vibrant energy of this color.

Anonymous said...

what beautiful colors! fantastic!
via Today's Flower
Light Trigger

Lisa Gordon said...

What beautiful photographs these are!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Stunning, radiant flower! Gorgeous photos!

Ever Green Tree said...

Striking pictures! Splendid work