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I am a married woman with children out of the home now developing my own interests, hobbies making my way through the heat of the experiences and days of my life. (Click on pictures to enlarge.)


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Project 52 - Merry Christmas!

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
This week's prompt Merry Christmas was a bit of a difficulty for me, because we did not do Christmas in our house this year. Our decorations are somewhere in storage and because none of our kids was able to make it to this neck of the woods for Christmas we opted not to celebrate at this time and postpone our celebrations with them until February when we will be seeing the family. 
If you look down at the last couple of posts, these photos were taken of someone else's celebrations, some of the Christmas tree and decorations at my work, and Christmas light photos we took on a drive one night. I love looking at Christmas lights! 

In our neck of the woods, we have had a Green Christmas. It did try to snow a bit the day before Christmas, but it was wet and slushy stuff that melted quickly by the afternoon. Green Christmas's are usually the norm for us here. Lots of rain too, hence the water drops! 
Love the creamy bokeh backgrounds you get when you focus on the water drop!
Its a bit of an ongoing challenge for me to take photos of waterdrops, where you can actually see something in the waterdrop!  

I worked all through Christmas and will work through New Year's as well. Love to let others with children have the time off for their Christmas instead. 
Hope you all have a safe and prosperous New Year. 
Our New Year is full of new and unknown possibilities, starting first with moving at the end of January. That will be an adventure!!

Anyone care to share their New Years Resolutions??!!
Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.


'Tsuki said...

The whole world in a drop... Nice set of pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, tiny lenses in a drop of water! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #63! I'm your newest follower and rss subscriber...

Rosemary Aubut said...

Amazing photos! Happy New Year to you and your family!

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic and Creative Photography ~ Wow!

(A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Really neat photos! I love how you can see your surroundings inside the drops of water. Great job on these shots!

Visiting from Weekly Top Shot :)

Small City Scenes said...

Very, very good. I try and try to get cool reflections through a dew drop----haven't succeeded yet---to my liking anyway.
Happiest of all New Years to you. MB

Anonymous said...

just BEAUTIFUL macro shots!

Anonymous said...

You are so kind to work so others can be with their children! I love the droplet shots.

Karen said...

Beautiful reflections in those little drops!

Luna Miranda said...

wow, these are gorgeous bokeh shots! excellent job! i had a relaxing Christmas this year unlike the previous years when i was always cramming.

wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year!


Rollercoaster Mum said...

I love these photos - there is something fascinating about water drops. Happy New Year from a very wet and windy England!

Hootin Anni said...

Very pretty images. I can understand why you're postponing the celebrating!

my mellow yellows: Sunrise

Laura said...

so beautiful! May this New Year be one of realized dreams… even those we did not realize we were dreaming!

Molly said...

These are really great... I love the reflections in the last image


Unknown said...

Beautiful. Happy New Year!