Monday, November 29, 2010

Macro Monday

This is Scarf, my one year old rescue Cat I have written about before in past posts. She gave me a horrible scare today and I am sure she was petrified too.
Scarf found the Air Intake hole behind our Standing Wood stove and got stuck head first in the hole. She was in there stuck for four hours. We had to take apart the stove, pull it toward the center of the room and turn it on its side to see under the stove to see her head. She was so scared and could not back up or go forward. We had to spray a bit of pepper spray on the stove to make it really uncomfortable for her which it did and after about two minutes she backed up through the hole and got out. We could not pull her out of the hole as her front legs and shoulders and head were stuck through the hole. After we got her out, we took her right away to get checked at the Vet and she had to have a bath to make sure she had any pepper spray washed off. We have eye drops for her eyes to use for the next few days, but otherwise she was okay. Thank goodness for that.
To see other photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday

Its been a while since I was able to post. I have had a nasty bout of Vertigo for the past week, and have not felt like doing much of anything except trying to stay balanced.
Today the predicted snow fall happened, so really it was a good day to stay home. It snowed all day today and these pictures were taken from my upstairs bedroom window.

There is a park behind my house with a wooded area to the right of the path. The path goes all the way around the park.

The girls here have plastic garbage bags that they used to slide down the hill.

The bullrushes in the Water Retention Pond is just in front of the back of our house. It looks like its late in the day but these photos were taken at noon. The sky is bleak and cloudy, the snow continuously falling.

One corner of the soccer field. I like the starkness of the bleak sky, the snow falling and the covered trees mixed with the chainlink. It looks almost like a Black and White photo!
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday
One of the things I love about Photography is that things we take pictures of may seem like one thing but in reality are actually something else.
Sometimes things are not what they seem to be.
A beautiful Autumn day with the rich fall colours in splendor?
Or maybe something else. Can you figure it out???
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Watery Wednesday

More Water drops for Watery Wednesday for you!
I can't help it, I am a Waterdrop freak!!!
To see other Watery Wednesday photos, please go and visit

Monday, November 15, 2010

That's My World Tuesday

I've been learning all sorts of things in my Photoshop class, some of which has piqued my curiosity and caused me to go looking for tutorials to create some wild photos.
So, I just learned about Planet Photos, so had to try one for My World Tuesday.
This is Granville Island, a huge Market located under the Granville Bridge in Vancouver. The waterfront is a hub of activity and across from the market is located huge apartment buildings. To get from Granville Island over to the other side you can take cute little water taxies. At the Main Market you can get fresh vegetables, meats and seafoods, and as well the Island also boasts its on Brewery and a few live art theaters. Emily Carr School of the Arts is also on Granville Island.
To see other photos of My World Tuesday, please go and visit

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Macro Monday

Sometimes when you take a photo of something, and then open it up on the computer you get a bonus something you had no idea was there when you snapped the shot.
I had no idea this little green and red bug was on this flower. I was zeroed into the water drops!

Isn't he cute for something that was not supposed to be there!
To see other photos of Macro Monday please go and visit

Today's Flowers

Today's Flowers
It is still fairly easy to find some flowers to photograph outside. Mostly now they come complete dressed in rain drops!

To see other flowers from Today's Flowers, please go and visit

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I have wanted to submit these next two photos for a few weeks now, but I keep missing the date.
At the Greater Vancouver Zoo resides a Tiger. It is probably the only way I would ever get to see a live Tiger, and I am thankful there is one here at the Zoo for me to visit. The tiger was walking along the path along side of the fence and in an effort to get his picture, I was walking on the other side of the fence with him. I don't think he was very impressed with that.

After putting up with me matching his footsteps, he had had enough and turned and lunged at me at the fence. Even though I knew the fence was there and I was safe, I still almost fell backwards! I think if that fence was not there, I might have been a satisfying dinner for him!
Please go over to Misty Dawn's blog here at to see lots of photos of other camera critters!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Skywatch Friday.

Most of the time the skies are grey and it is raining here, but every now and then the blue comes out and people flock to the beaches to enjoy the day.
That is not all that flock to the beach!

I know they enjoy the beach any kind of weather involved!

But on beautiful blue sky days when people come to the beach, seagulls know there will be fish and chips on the menu!

Sure, most people think of seagulls as just big scavengers, but I have always loved to feed any kind of birds.

Seagulls are amazing acrobatic flyers when going after a french fry

And what a beautiful day and a beautiful place to enjoy feeding birds!
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Watery Wednesday

I have a couple more photos of Waterdrops taken the same time as my new Header.
This was taken the afternoon of a rain shower and were on a plant that resembled a plant somewhat like a pampus grass. It was saturated with water droplets.

To see more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit

Ruby Tuesday

One of the wonderful things about Autumn is the bright beautiful fall colours of the leaves.

To see other photos of Ruby Tuesday, please go and visit

Monday, November 8, 2010

Macro Monday

I have been taking a course in Photoshopping for the past few weeks and our last assignment was to fix a really old photo in Photoshop. My Uncle Bob sent me some black and white photos of family members so I picked a couple of really bad ones and set about trying to fix them up. The first picture is of my brother Brian when he was just a little boy. The photo was just about completely dark. I am sure I could do more to fix the photo, but this is it so far.
I am amazed I got so much detail out of the original picture!
This next picture is of my mother when she was three years old. In other words it is about 75 years old!

I love having these old family photos to look at. The photos of my mom are all I have left of her now. Our photos keep our memories alive.
To see more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Today's Flowers

It seems like forever since I last posted any flower pictures or like forever since I actually took some flower photos! I took these couple of flowers pictures yesterday while out actually looking for water drops!
It is mild here and there are actually flowers left so its not like they aren't around for me and my camera.

And the bottom side of the Yellow Daisy.
To see other flowers from Today's Flowers, please go and visit

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Weekend in Black and White

I found an old farmhouse in Alberta that was abandoned. We stopped to take some pictures of the house and in one of the outbuildings this is what I found sitting on the window ledge of the loft.
This Barn Owl was content to let me take its picture as long as i stood by the car, but when I moved toward it, it flew away.
To see other photos of The Weekend in Black and White, please go and visit

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Theme Thursday

Theme Thursday
This is my first entry to Theme Thursday and for this entry I have a couple of photos I took down at White Rock beach in Surrey, B.C. White Rock is a seaside tourist haunt with a couple of miles of sandy beach and a huge painted white rock right on the beach. It has a pier out into the ocean about half mile long. Here are a couple of photos taken from the sandy beach of the pier.
The tide goes way out each day and creates small tidal pools that kids love to boogie board in.

One thing that never really changes with the passing seasons is the beach. Even cold winter days make good days to wander along the sandy beach and enjoy the day by the ocean.
To see other photos of Sand for Theme Thursday, please go and visit

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

One of my favorite parts of Autumn is the rich fall colours of the trees.

The sunny blue sky days really make the reds in the trees accentuated.
To see more photos of Ruby Tuesday, please go and visit