Thursday, November 25, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday

Its been a while since I was able to post. I have had a nasty bout of Vertigo for the past week, and have not felt like doing much of anything except trying to stay balanced.
Today the predicted snow fall happened, so really it was a good day to stay home. It snowed all day today and these pictures were taken from my upstairs bedroom window.

There is a park behind my house with a wooded area to the right of the path. The path goes all the way around the park.

The girls here have plastic garbage bags that they used to slide down the hill.

The bullrushes in the Water Retention Pond is just in front of the back of our house. It looks like its late in the day but these photos were taken at noon. The sky is bleak and cloudy, the snow continuously falling.

One corner of the soccer field. I like the starkness of the bleak sky, the snow falling and the covered trees mixed with the chainlink. It looks almost like a Black and White photo!
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. i want to experience to step in a snow.. hehe.. love the pic..

  2. These pictures are even more interesting because of your descriptions and the last one does almost look like a black and white...there is something special about snow scenes when the snow is new but it looks sooooo cold and it seems too early for more than a dusting...

  3. oh my, i looooooove your image header!!!
    snow spells like fun but a friend said it's not fun at all. lol! great images. happy SWF!

  4. Beautiful snowy pics!! Wish you speedy recovery!!

  5. stunning pics!!

    have a great weekend

    cheers from Uruguay :)

  6. I sure hope you are feeling better I have had vertigo in the past and it does feel awful. Lovely snow shots. After last years big storms here I am hoping we are spared this year and just get a little snowfall.

  7. I really like that first picture. I am awaiting our first snow here in New Hampshire.

  8. Hope you are feeling okey now. Yesterday we thought we are going to have snow but we had rain and everything around is foggy. Woke up today and snow is falling, yay!! Happy weekend!
    My week sky

  9. I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing these amazing, magical photos.

  10. What a pretty showing of the snow. It is pretty to look at and the kids love it, but I rather not have it. We do not get much in Texas.

  11. Vertigo, that's no fun, but snow can be fun if you're feeling up to playing or just taking pictures. No snow here, so I will stay warm and enjoy your shots.


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