Friday, November 5, 2010

The Weekend in Black and White

I found an old farmhouse in Alberta that was abandoned. We stopped to take some pictures of the house and in one of the outbuildings this is what I found sitting on the window ledge of the loft.
This Barn Owl was content to let me take its picture as long as i stood by the car, but when I moved toward it, it flew away.
To see other photos of The Weekend in Black and White, please go and visit


  1. what a find, a beautiful creature to marvel at.

  2. what a joy to have witnessed this beautiful bird.
    thank you for sharing.


  3. Thaat was a stunning photo. Love it and I wish it was mine.

  4. how lucky you were to get a shot. It looks good. :)

  5. Wonderful! Such an exciting opportunity. He looks a bit drowsy, in spite of watching you so closely.
    I'm sorry to be so late visiting - I had a very busy weekend!


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