Saturday, November 13, 2010

I have wanted to submit these next two photos for a few weeks now, but I keep missing the date.
At the Greater Vancouver Zoo resides a Tiger. It is probably the only way I would ever get to see a live Tiger, and I am thankful there is one here at the Zoo for me to visit. The tiger was walking along the path along side of the fence and in an effort to get his picture, I was walking on the other side of the fence with him. I don't think he was very impressed with that.

After putting up with me matching his footsteps, he had had enough and turned and lunged at me at the fence. Even though I knew the fence was there and I was safe, I still almost fell backwards! I think if that fence was not there, I might have been a satisfying dinner for him!
Please go over to Misty Dawn's blog here at to see lots of photos of other camera critters!


  1. He looks so close to the lens!!! I love all of your pictures but I can't resist going back to the droplets of water, they're beautiful...I like how you post a different theme on different days...I'm going to follow the links you posted to find out more about that, thanks

  2. You are welcome Helene! Thanks for visiting and your comments on my waterdrop pictures. It is a serious affliction to waterdrops or so my hubby says! I cannot resist them when I find them!

  3. Beautiful tiger but he seems to be making his wishes known :). The droplets of water are beautiful.

  4. Beautiful! Tigers are such majestic animals.

    Erika B

  5. Such a magnificent creature. And sad to think he has to live his life behind a fence.


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