Monday, November 8, 2010

Macro Monday

I have been taking a course in Photoshopping for the past few weeks and our last assignment was to fix a really old photo in Photoshop. My Uncle Bob sent me some black and white photos of family members so I picked a couple of really bad ones and set about trying to fix them up. The first picture is of my brother Brian when he was just a little boy. The photo was just about completely dark. I am sure I could do more to fix the photo, but this is it so far.
I am amazed I got so much detail out of the original picture!
This next picture is of my mother when she was three years old. In other words it is about 75 years old!

I love having these old family photos to look at. The photos of my mom are all I have left of her now. Our photos keep our memories alive.
To see more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit

1 comment:

  1. I love your header photo - it reminds me of the light fixture that I want for my foyer - not that I can afford it!


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