Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wise Thoughts

One thing about the Christmas season I like and it may seem a little crazy is the Yule log fire on Channel 2 of the Cable TV. You can turn the TV to this station and there it is, your own virtual fire, complete with crackling sounds, hands that put the next log on the fire, showers of sparks and of course none of the mess afterwards that you have to clean up once your fire is out. It is also one of those constants you can count on being there in the holiday season. Every year there it is!!
Now, the strange thing is that we have a wood stove in the house, right in the living room, and when we do use it it is warm and cheery and quite festive as well. The problem with it though in the holiday season is there are so many things around and close to it that it can't be used! It's a fire hazard! So right next to the real wood stove the TV sits on its stand and its virtual fire crackles away. Somehow it just does not seem right but it is dependable. And Festive!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Macro Monday

At times I have such a hard time not to be so critical of the pictures I take. I swear I am my own worst enemy. I go through stages where I don't see at all the things I see when I am taking the picture. I get onto my computer and I scratch my head in wonder about where the heck this photo came from. I swear I saw something different when I snapped the photo.
I get so that I won't let anyone see the photos I have taken or fight the fight not to just delete the lot and hope for better shots next time.
It comes down in the end though to more than just what I am seeing in the photos. I take a look at where my life is at that moment and see that I have things I need to take care of, areas where I am critical of where my life is at the moment. Take care of those and I do see things in a different manner. Suddenly my photography makes some sense.
So here is a shot of me taking a shot of me, or maybe I should say me taking a shot at me!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and wish everyone the best of the New Year.

For more shots of Macro Mondays please visit http://lisaschaos.com/

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

I thought because Christmas is just around the corner, I would do some Christmas faves for you all.
1) Christmas Light Displays: I got home from work late tonight and even later than I normally would of because I took a bit of a scenic route to see some of the beautiful Christmas light displays that are up. Some of the displays are amazing! Such talented people out there. A few are set to music as well. It is quite a bit foggy outside tonight and that just added to the magical quality of the light displays I think.

2) Shortbread: It is my favorite cookie of all the year. I love it just plain, no cherries, or dip in chocolate. It has to be made with real butter too. Believe it or not, I know a couple of people who actually use margarine to make their shortbread. That is just wrong!! (I am also one of those strange people that loves fruitcake, the dark kind!)

3) Eggnog: I am glad this only comes out on special holidays. If it was available all year round it might not be so wonderful. I love eggnog in lots of different ways - ice cream, with rum, lattes, straight up, substitute for coffee cream. I like it warmed up as well, in drinks in place of milk. It makes excellent french toast as well.

4) Candy Cane Ice Cream: Another thing that its good it is only out at Christmas. I don't even waste time getting a bowl. I am the only one in this house that thinks this is wonderful. So I can eat it right out of the container with no guilt at all!!

5) Ponsettias, Garlands, Wreaths, Christmas decorations: and here is the wierd part in that I don't like putting them up and especially hate to take them down. I love seeing others decorations and store displays. I just don't like decorating in my own home. Weird huh???

To check out other lists for Friday's Fave Five, please go and visit http://susannesspace.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Its time I think for another batch of pictures. Scarf is growing so fast. If you look back on the first pictures I posted you will really see the difference. She is about 11 weeks old now and has really settled into her new home.
She still has remnants of her shaky beginnings here. She still seems to have a eating disorder. If its not nailed down she will attempt to eat it. Needless to say, I have to make sure the floors and carpets are always clean. As well, we have to keep our older cat's food put away when he is not eating. She will polish off all her food then work on his if given half a chance. He is a nibbler when it comes to eating. He likes to graze all day on his food so he is not liking the fact his food is put away.
She loves to stalk things too. Her favorite things are up on the back of the couch and will attack my hair, especially if it is pulled back. She has sharp little razor blade claws.
She does not tire easily either. She is a going concern most of the time. I bought her a small catnip mouse and she went after it for hours.
She likes her butt pushed up against the pillows of the couch when she finally does stop for a rest. She always seems to have to touch something for comfort I guess to go to sleep. At night she sleeps on the bed with Speed, or between the Bear and I on the bed.
Vaccine shots coming up next week. Another trip to the vet for that!!
I will post more pictures, you can see how she grows!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Watery it is today, it has been pouring rain most of the day.
I am not too unhappy about it either because it is washing away all the snow that fell last weekend. I would much rather deal with the rain than with the snow. I am all for green Christmas!!!
If you enlarge this photo you can see the trees behind captured in this waterdrop! This was taken on the back of one of the park benches in the park behind our house.
For more Watery Wednesday photos, please go to http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Today's Flowers

A bit of a shot of a bouquet of 24 long stem roses I recieved for my birthday. Its straight out of the camera shot. I have yet to go onto Photoshop and play with them. A couple of these are going to sacrifice themselves and go outside for some snow shots in a little while!!
For more shots of Today's Flowers, please visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Here are a couple of images taken out by the Fraser River while I was out searching for eagles.
Unfortunately, the eagles were way on the other side of the river from me, but I did manage to get some good water shots for Watery Wednesday.
For more pictures from Watery Wednesday, please visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 7, 2009

Macro Monday

Its just a silly picture of two ornaments we have by our Christmas tree. The duck is my ornament and is my most treasured ornament. I recieved it as a very first Christmas ornament at the ripe old age of three weeks old. Its been with my most of my life!! The evil Santa is my hubby's favorite ornament. It looks like he wants some roast duck for dinner!!
And this duck is the same age as me, because today is my birthday. How about that!!
For more shots of Macro Monday, please go and visit http://lisaschaos.com/

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday, I took some pictures in the Sports Park just behind my house. It is a brand new park, still closed actually, and it has a walking trail around the entire park that I was standing on when I took these shots. This first picture is actually over my house, its there really it is!! It was also a night of a beautiful full moon. Very cold out and the sky was clear.
I got home from work with just enough time to grab my camera and take all these pictures, hand holding the camera. I didn't have time to drag out the tripod, unfortunately.

Consequently, the moon looks like a light, no definition on the surface. But you can get an idea how huge the moon was in the sky.
It has since clouded over and they are calling for some snow later on tonight and tomorrow morning. I love the cold clear days but snow does nothing for me.....
For more pictures of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/