Sunday, December 13, 2009

Today's Flowers

A bit of a shot of a bouquet of 24 long stem roses I recieved for my birthday. Its straight out of the camera shot. I have yet to go onto Photoshop and play with them. A couple of these are going to sacrifice themselves and go outside for some snow shots in a little while!!
For more shots of Today's Flowers, please visit


  1. What a great gift and Happy Birthday. The first thought that crossed my mind before reading your post was that one of them would be great for a few snow shots. Looking forward to seeing your photos.
    Through Squirrel Eyes

  2. Fantastic flowers. Happy birth day to you.

  3. A very happy Birthday! By the look of those roses, you had a great one. Just beautiful.

  4. Your roses are gorgeous. Happy birthday!

  5. oh..that is a lovely set of can really cheer one's lonely heart

    mine is here


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!