Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday, I took some pictures in the Sports Park just behind my house. It is a brand new park, still closed actually, and it has a walking trail around the entire park that I was standing on when I took these shots. This first picture is actually over my house, its there really it is!! It was also a night of a beautiful full moon. Very cold out and the sky was clear.
I got home from work with just enough time to grab my camera and take all these pictures, hand holding the camera. I didn't have time to drag out the tripod, unfortunately.

Consequently, the moon looks like a light, no definition on the surface. But you can get an idea how huge the moon was in the sky.
It has since clouded over and they are calling for some snow later on tonight and tomorrow morning. I love the cold clear days but snow does nothing for me.....
For more pictures of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. It looks cold. Nice job, especially without a tripod.

  2. Great selection of pics, I love the soft purple tones in the first one.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  3. Love the colors on the first one and the moon shots are awesome too!

  4. Lovely colours. I like the 1st photo a lot. May be it is the spectrum of colours and perfect timing.

    Have a restful and good weekend.

    Alex's World! -


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!