Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wise Thoughts

One thing about the Christmas season I like and it may seem a little crazy is the Yule log fire on Channel 2 of the Cable TV. You can turn the TV to this station and there it is, your own virtual fire, complete with crackling sounds, hands that put the next log on the fire, showers of sparks and of course none of the mess afterwards that you have to clean up once your fire is out. It is also one of those constants you can count on being there in the holiday season. Every year there it is!!
Now, the strange thing is that we have a wood stove in the house, right in the living room, and when we do use it it is warm and cheery and quite festive as well. The problem with it though in the holiday season is there are so many things around and close to it that it can't be used! It's a fire hazard! So right next to the real wood stove the TV sits on its stand and its virtual fire crackles away. Somehow it just does not seem right but it is dependable. And Festive!!

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