Monday, December 7, 2009

Macro Monday

Its just a silly picture of two ornaments we have by our Christmas tree. The duck is my ornament and is my most treasured ornament. I recieved it as a very first Christmas ornament at the ripe old age of three weeks old. Its been with my most of my life!! The evil Santa is my hubby's favorite ornament. It looks like he wants some roast duck for dinner!!
And this duck is the same age as me, because today is my birthday. How about that!!
For more shots of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. Gotta love that duck. Keep him away from the evil Santa.

  2. Happy birthday, duck - you too, of course! :)

    How sweet to have an ornament that's been with you all your life. We don't give ornaments as gifts over here, but perhaps we should.

  3. I don't think they are silly, I like them. My post on Camera Critters today is Christmas ornaments.
    The Road to Here


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