Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today's Flowers

Here is another one of my favorite flower pictures. I had this on my desktop for a long time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Creepy Bugs

Nothing but my camera would get me this close to something creepy like this. Its not a good picture because I had visions of it flying right at me off its web or crawling over onto the lens of the camera right at me. Its got a very cool pattern though on its body. I'm going to try again to get a better picture of it tomorrow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Skywatch Friday

I've been working like crazy this week and have not had one opportunity to even pick up my camera so I have gone back into some of the past pictures I have to get today's skywatch picture. This was taken above the Japanese pagoda and Minter Gardens. I love the look of the sky through trees. It is like a canvas for a painting. And it is ever changing as well.
Hope you enjoy!! Today is my hubby's and my 9th anniversary. Just thought I would mention that here!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Eric!!

Meet my son, Eric. Today is his birthday and he turns 31. I'm sure he won't like me telling you his age. He is my youngest of my two children.
Right now and for the past couple of years he is living in Alberta and working for the Oil Fields. He does a lot of work out of town and comes back to his apt. on his days off, few and far between.
So hard to believe my baby is this old. How old does that make me!! I can still look at him here in this picture and see the stages of his life in a flash from birth to now. The baby with a bunch of dark hair that stuck straight up, and who could make the funniest faces around. He cracked us up. His first day of school, kindergarden standing by the school in his blue hoodie with his bag of peaches for snack. I had such a hard time letting him walk to school by himself. I just did not want to let go too soon. I still stuggle with that now.
I see him next to me at the hospital when my mother and father died. He stayed by my side, my shadow. It was very hard for him to lose his grandparents and he knew how hard it was on me. His graduation day sitting in the Fire Truck coming to the ceremonies. How handsome and how proud was I.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss my boy. My young man. I can mark the day when I last saw him, and he may not know it but I think of him every day, wonder where he is and is he safe and mostly is he happy. All I have ever wanted for him was to be happy. To be content, to have a full and wonderful life.
Happy Birthday Eric. I love you more than you know and I miss you more than I could ever say. Take care, stay safe.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today's Flowers

My daughter's best friend Mandy and her hubby's family own greenhouses that grow all the Gerber Daisies that are distributed to all stores in the mainland.
Gerber's are beautiful flowers and I love the bouquets I get when my daughter comes after being at Mandy's house. It is like bringing in sunshine into the home! I am going out for lunch to Montanna's today with two of my girlfriends. We all have busy lives and don't get together nearly enough to suit all of us. We've known each other for twenty years and have worked together but each of our lives have taken us to different things. We always come back together like the time does not stand in the way though. We catch up on each other and there really is no need for reconnection because really we are always connected.
I'm taking my camera with me and plan on getting some pics to share!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Skywatch Friday

I thought I would make my skywatch photo a photo of whimsy this week. This photo is looking way up to a beautiful blue sky behind an overhead bridge.
Hope you enjoy!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today's Flower

Wow, two posts in one day but the minute I found out about Today's Flower I just had to contribute!! I'll post more to this site. I love flowers.

Blowing in the Wind....

So I am just wondering why we let some different types of grasses grow long and lovely and we chop others down to an inch of thier lives.
Things that make you go mmmnnn......

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Food Fair

We went to a first ever food fair today at the local Tradex. All about everything to do with food. They had local celebrity chefs there, different seminars and tasting exercises, cooking demos, all the latest and greatest gadgets available.

Bob Blummer from Food Network gave a show on cooking pizza on the grill. That is him in the above picture. Everyone wanted to see his show and we just managed to squeeze in at the very back of the seats to watch, hence the poor quality of the picture I tryed to take. He was much cuter in person though than he seems on TV!
There was a major amount of people at the show, the lineups for everything was huge. We wanted to go to a cheese seminar but the line-up started over an hour before the show was to begin. There were lots of food booths but again the lineups were long, and a couple that we did chance to stand in seemed to run out of food just before we got there.
They had a wine and beer tasting garden and we did get quite a few tastes in there. I even tasted Absinth for the first time --- and the last time. I didn't like it at all. And I am sure if I had even finished the one ounce sample they gave out I would of been slurring my words and weaving through the rest of the show. It must of been pure or just about pure alcohol. Way to strong for my liking.
I did bring home four gourmet chocolate bars, two milk and two dark chocolate. Saving those for a special occasion!!
Its back to the daily grind tomorrow....

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The Apple Barn opened up recently here in town and we went today to pick some fresh apples. The sky was a beautiful sunny warm blue, the air was silky soft and warm. The farm has a huge blow up "pillow" for kids to jump on, a petting zoo, a picnic area and hayrides to name a few of its attractions. But the star attraction is the apples. Some of the apples ready for picking today were Jonagolds, Fuji's, Honey Crisps, and one apple that begins with an A that I had never heard of.
We wandered up and down the aisles searching for the best of the best, and picked a ten pound bag of beautiful big Honey Crisps.
We also each picked a nice big apple for eating while we searched. Is there anything better than a warm, sunkissed apple right off the tree to eat?? There is no comparison between an apple you buy in the grocery store and one you fresh pick off a tree.

Right now we have about five pounds of Rhubarb, about six apples, and around 8 peaches stewing on the stove with enough sugar to sweeten the Rhubarb. When its done cooking down in an hour or so its going over a big bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream for a bedtime snack!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Skywatch Friday.

Here is my Skywatch pictures for this week. I have been outside every evening this week taking pictures of the moon. It has been clear skies so easy to see the moon, but my problem is taking a picture that is in focus. Always a hard thing for me for some reason. I played with the color a bit in the top one, trying to make it look like a big old piece of cheese in the sky!!!
You can see the craters and mountains of the moon in this one.
I will be practising this again!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Time Flys

The time has flown since my last post. Where did it go?? Already it is one third of the way through September. It just moves faster than I can keep up sometimes.
You know one thing I love about these September days?? I love the cooler days and the way the breeze feels like cool silk on my skin. Walking outside in a breeze is like being carressed by the cool soft silk of the air. Its great!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

SkyWatch Friday

I am posting my skywatch friday picture on Thursday. I have a double shift at work tomorrow so won't be around to post one then.
This picture was taken down by the Fraser River. It was starting to rain and there was thunder in the distance. We were standing under a tree trying to take a few pictures before having to pack the camera and make a run for the car between the raindrops. It had threatened to rain all day and finally did.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Glass of Wine

Its been a productive day today! I took my company staffing phone back to its rightful owner and won't see it again until the middle of December, I got all my Staff's Performance Appraisals done this afternoon, the House is cleaned up and sparkling for the moment after the Bathroom Leak fiasco's and its a beautiful evening to have a glass of wine with a friend.
Can life get any better than that??

Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer Blooms

After the bathroom leak fiasco of the weekend and working all weekend with the company Staffing Phone, I needed something nice to look at that gave me some pleasure!!
My friends Gaye and Stan live in a park literally, and have a huge dahlia garden. Here is a few blooms from thier garden.

Hope you all had a great weekend.