Saturday, September 13, 2008


The Apple Barn opened up recently here in town and we went today to pick some fresh apples. The sky was a beautiful sunny warm blue, the air was silky soft and warm. The farm has a huge blow up "pillow" for kids to jump on, a petting zoo, a picnic area and hayrides to name a few of its attractions. But the star attraction is the apples. Some of the apples ready for picking today were Jonagolds, Fuji's, Honey Crisps, and one apple that begins with an A that I had never heard of.
We wandered up and down the aisles searching for the best of the best, and picked a ten pound bag of beautiful big Honey Crisps.
We also each picked a nice big apple for eating while we searched. Is there anything better than a warm, sunkissed apple right off the tree to eat?? There is no comparison between an apple you buy in the grocery store and one you fresh pick off a tree.

Right now we have about five pounds of Rhubarb, about six apples, and around 8 peaches stewing on the stove with enough sugar to sweeten the Rhubarb. When its done cooking down in an hour or so its going over a big bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream for a bedtime snack!!!


  1. My mouth is watering. Fresh apples are my absolute favorite. There is nothing better:)

  2. And these apples are totally delicious!! I can see we are going to be going back this weekend for another 10 pound bag!!


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