Sunday, September 14, 2008

Food Fair

We went to a first ever food fair today at the local Tradex. All about everything to do with food. They had local celebrity chefs there, different seminars and tasting exercises, cooking demos, all the latest and greatest gadgets available.

Bob Blummer from Food Network gave a show on cooking pizza on the grill. That is him in the above picture. Everyone wanted to see his show and we just managed to squeeze in at the very back of the seats to watch, hence the poor quality of the picture I tryed to take. He was much cuter in person though than he seems on TV!
There was a major amount of people at the show, the lineups for everything was huge. We wanted to go to a cheese seminar but the line-up started over an hour before the show was to begin. There were lots of food booths but again the lineups were long, and a couple that we did chance to stand in seemed to run out of food just before we got there.
They had a wine and beer tasting garden and we did get quite a few tastes in there. I even tasted Absinth for the first time --- and the last time. I didn't like it at all. And I am sure if I had even finished the one ounce sample they gave out I would of been slurring my words and weaving through the rest of the show. It must of been pure or just about pure alcohol. Way to strong for my liking.
I did bring home four gourmet chocolate bars, two milk and two dark chocolate. Saving those for a special occasion!!
Its back to the daily grind tomorrow....

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