Friday, September 12, 2008

Skywatch Friday.

Here is my Skywatch pictures for this week. I have been outside every evening this week taking pictures of the moon. It has been clear skies so easy to see the moon, but my problem is taking a picture that is in focus. Always a hard thing for me for some reason. I played with the color a bit in the top one, trying to make it look like a big old piece of cheese in the sky!!!
You can see the craters and mountains of the moon in this one.
I will be practising this again!!


  1. Hi Dew Drop
    This is a MOON-tastic set of pictures... I used to struggle with getting a good shot of the moon, I use a tripod now, or even a gate-post will do...
    Thanks for joining in again


  2. BEAUTIFUL! I don't see a problem with focus. I love moon pictures and am lousy taking them myself. Well-done!

  3. Moon is a great complement for sky!
    I saw your beautiful flower in the head of blog.
    Join to this idea: TODAY'S FLOWERS.
    Post a lovely flower like that!


  4. I like your moons and the cheesy idea certainly worked.

  5. These are fantastic! Sometimes I think the moon is more beautiful then the sunsets.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!