Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Eric!!

Meet my son, Eric. Today is his birthday and he turns 31. I'm sure he won't like me telling you his age. He is my youngest of my two children.
Right now and for the past couple of years he is living in Alberta and working for the Oil Fields. He does a lot of work out of town and comes back to his apt. on his days off, few and far between.
So hard to believe my baby is this old. How old does that make me!! I can still look at him here in this picture and see the stages of his life in a flash from birth to now. The baby with a bunch of dark hair that stuck straight up, and who could make the funniest faces around. He cracked us up. His first day of school, kindergarden standing by the school in his blue hoodie with his bag of peaches for snack. I had such a hard time letting him walk to school by himself. I just did not want to let go too soon. I still stuggle with that now.
I see him next to me at the hospital when my mother and father died. He stayed by my side, my shadow. It was very hard for him to lose his grandparents and he knew how hard it was on me. His graduation day sitting in the Fire Truck coming to the ceremonies. How handsome and how proud was I.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss my boy. My young man. I can mark the day when I last saw him, and he may not know it but I think of him every day, wonder where he is and is he safe and mostly is he happy. All I have ever wanted for him was to be happy. To be content, to have a full and wonderful life.
Happy Birthday Eric. I love you more than you know and I miss you more than I could ever say. Take care, stay safe.

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