Saturday, January 12, 2013


Camera Critters
Its been a while since I posted some pics of my cats. Their whole world is being turned upside down right now while we pack all our house belongings and grow the huge stack of boxes here and there and everywhere, getting ready for our move in two weeks. They don't know what to make of it all.
The look on Scarf's face right here is to tell me I am getting a bit too close for her comfort with that camera of mine!

Both cats love to sleep on top of the dryer when I am drying clothes. The warmth of the dryer and the noise of it are probably warming and comforting to them.

They won't even sit on the dryer unless it is working. 
Speed is our oldest cat at 14 years of age. 
Scarf is our youngest cat at 2 years of age. 
Both cats were rescue kitties. They are each a bit crazy and have some crazy behaviors but we love them dearly! 
Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Nice pictures you show of some beautiful cats. Wish you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

  2. Aw ~ so adorable ~ great photos ~ they know where it is warm ~ Gotta love 'em'.

    (A Creative Harbor ~ Carol L McKenna)

  3. Your cats are gorgeous. I am so drawn to white cats. I'm not sure why...ever since I was a child.

  4. Such beautiful cats...they look most content. At least the dryer is still going in the chaos of packing!

    My Camera Critters is at:

  5. That's so nice they get along in spite of the wide age difference. Both are gorgeous! I'm surprised my cats don't lay on our dryer--they wait for the clothes to come out and lay on them.

  6. Crazy cats are fun to have around! Our cat Shadow should be on stage! Her acting abilities are phenomenal!

    Your two cats are so handsome! And their colours look stunning together on the dryer!

  7. Oh my goodness your babies are beautiful!!

    I hope you're all having a great weekend!

    Jackie @

  8. They are both so beautiful! Hope they adapt well to the move.

  9. they're utterly gorgeous! i love Speed's pink ears.:p

  10. I have never seen cats on top of the dryer... I love Scarf's vibrant colours, and Speed has lovely eyes! I think all of us have some odd behaviours...


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