Tuesday, January 15, 2013

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley
I am needing this winter frosty thing to get it over and done with in the next few days. While it is pretty to see and fun to photograph our move at the end of next week is going to be more challenging with it. So I am giving it until the end of the weekend to smarten up! 
Like it is going to listen to me!!!
Oh, the joy of being cold!!

Pretty to behold, 
Oh so cold!

Frozen Water that is!
Everything is super frosty. The roads are skating rinks, the puddles are frozen, the leaves are covered in frost. Its cold cold cold! 
The Weatherman threatens snow and it does try but mostly its icy fog and tiny frozen rain pellets. 
It kind of looks like a dusting of sugar granules stuck to this leaf! 


  1. Wow this is very pretty!! Love it!

    Visiting from Water World Wednesday

  2. It doesn't freeze in New Zealand where I live- so I really appreciate the awesome pics - thanks for sharing- and I hope you will have a warmer patch soon.
    It's Summer down under!

  3. Your photography is the kind that makes me envious! Absolutely breath-taking images with beautiful editing!

  4. The third image is my favourite! Looks sort of like the branch behins is in the water...


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!