Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ocean Water Swimming

Check out Outdoor Wednesday at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ for more awesome outdoor photos!
This gentleman was loosening the leash on his dog's collar seconds before his dog went into the ocean for a cool swim!
It was a cool, windy wavy day at the beach. That dog was crazy for going into that cold water!
Visit Watery Wednesday at http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. Looking at your picture I can feel the cold and windy breeze~

    Happy Wednesday~

  2. Cooky pooch!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just bought a couple of wheat free cookbooks and tonight had spaghetti squash as pasta and it was really good. Feeling better already without the wheat.

  3. very nice scene you captured.


  4. Ya, I'd say crazy too...but then, on the other hand, the dog probably thought you humans were crazy for not taking a dip. LOL

    Great image. It DOES look mighty cold.

    My Wednesday post: FROM A DISTANCE Hope you can find time to drop by to visit with me.

  5. Such a PERFECT moment captured. Not staged, just life. Very, very nice.

  6. I love the beach on a cold day

    beautiful photo

  7. I'm thinking about taking my dog to the beach, but it's much warmer down here :)


  8. Wonderful image! The bokeh is spot on -- the guy and dog are perfectly crisp and there is no doubt about the subject. The colors are vibrant, and the waves/rising mist from the water really add to the sense of motion. Great shot--


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