Friday, February 3, 2012

Project 52

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
I thought for a moment I would not make this week's challenge as I have been working double shifts at work while we are temporarily short staffed. I got home from work a couple of hours ago with no photo and no idea for what to do for a photo.
Well, it is a gorgeous warm day, more like a spring day than winter and the sun is out and sky is blue, so I had to take my camera out for a walk around the block and see what caught my eye.
You have to look for shadows sometimes, they are hidden behind visible things. They make you look a little deeper, see beyond the visible. And there I found my shadow!!


  1. Oh I see the shadows, definitely. Good for you for taking the time (which it seems you've had very little of this past week) to do this shot. I think its wonderful. :)

  2. Excellent and beautiful photography.

    Regards and best wishes


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!