Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Scalloped Potatoes

One pound thick sliced Bacon
3 large thinly sliced Russet Potatoes
1 large thinly sliced onion
Red Pepper Flakes
Garlic granules
Ground Pepper
Grated Cheddar/Mozzarella/Parmasan Cheese blends

In a 6 to 8 inch round Baking pan lay out Bacon Strips as above.

In bottom of pan, on top of bacon layer, layer potato, onion and Cheese. Sprinkle each layer liberally with Garlic granules, Red Pepper flakes and Pepper. Build three layers of this.

End the layers with Cheese at the top of the pan.

Fold over the bacon slices over the top to meet in the middle.

Sprinkle the top of the Bacon with a liberal dose of Fresh Ground Pepper.
Put a small lid on top of the middle of the bacon while baking. This will prevent the ends of the bacon from curling while baking. At the end of the second hour of baking remove the small pot lid to finish baking.

Put baking dish inside of a cake pan to bake. Bake in oven at 325 degrees for three hours.

When it is finished baking, put a lid on top of bacon and carefully drain the excess bacon fat into a container.

Then use a knife to loosen all around the edges and invert the potatoes onto a serving platter.

Sliced Tomatoes goes great with the Bacon.
Cut pie into wedges to serve.

Tempt my Tummy Tuesdays

Linking up with Macro Monday at


  1. This looks delicious. I think I might give this recipe a go. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Okay....I do hope you've set out an extra plate at your table...'cause I'm on my way!!! Fork in hand.

    My Monday Post if you'd like to stop by to

  3. Wow, this is new to me! It looks so delicious. Thank's for sharing some idea:)

    Visiting for YS! Hope you can stop by:)

  4. yum and looks very delish, makes me drool :-) I never try this recipe. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Yummy Sunday, hope that you can return the visit too.

  5. Oh my stars that looks delicious!

  6. too mouth watery... drooling here. visiting you from Yummy Sunday Sahm’s Dining Diary

  7. i've never heard of anything like this! but i can honestly say, i am so willing to try it... more willing to eat it than i am to make it {i'm so not a cooker}. but i'd even make it. it's making my mouth water just looking at it! i can't imagine how great it smells and tastes. oh, man. i just had to come see this before dinner when i'm hungry, didn't i? should've have waited. =)

  8. wow, this looks really yummy and loads of bacon, love it. thanks for sharing your recipe, hope i can try to make one someday! visiting from YS, hope you can visit me back. thanks and have a great week. :)

  9. wow!!! what a dish! but it takes a long time to cook! but i wouldn't mind if it tastes great and yummy. late visit for YS here.

  10. Oh, I'm getting very hungry all of a sudden! Thanks for sharing this recipe!


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