Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coneflowers Today.

One of my favorite flowers, they remind me a bit of umbrellas!


  1. They are one of my favorites too.
    I don't have any left with petals.
    Beautiful shots!

  2. We've planted a lot of coneflowers. I leave them for the gold finches after the petals drop. We have a flock of three pairs enjoying them. Haven't seen any babies, but I'm sure they are out there.

  3. Very nice pictures, you make great shots ...
    LG: Karin

  4. I love cone flowers and I've just planted them way too late. But some things happened they don't stop blooming that is why I like summer to be a little bit longer ^_^

    Prayer Plant

  5. awesome photos! the first photo is my favorite.

  6. Hello msdewberry,
    The Toaday's Flower Journey is such a wonderful way to experience Flowers from about the Earth... love very much your Coneflowers... their detailed tops almost seem too dense to be held up by their tall stems and delicate petals... maybe they have less petals to be free to concentrate on maintaining being upright and so keep their topknot inplace.

    Thank you for the sharing and invitation
    Good wishes from Magda in Australia


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!