Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mellow Yellow Macro Monday

Linking up with:

Sometimes a girl just has to buy herself a present, especially if she is someone who will take care of others and never think of herself first. Sometimes she just deserves a treat!
Then again, sometimes you have to encourage said person who happened to be my sister Elaine, that she deserves to treat herself with a beautiful bracelet.

So I encouraged her, or rather badgered her mercilessly until she treated herself!
What was the last thing you actually bought for yourself that really you didn't need and never would of thought to buy for yourself?
Looking forward to your answers!


  1. That's really pretty...perks me up just looking at it.

  2. Oh, I do love your banner! What a great shot!

    The bracelet is lovely, too. I keep hinting to my OH that I'd like an Italian style charm bracelet for my birthday but so far, nothing. Maybe this year? That one is one of my favourite colours, too.

    What did I buy that I didn't need and didn't think of getting for myself? Well, this week I bought myself a pair of heliotrope blue lightweight Hotter shoes. I went in for some new walking sandals and just couldn't resist them! They had a special offer on ...

  3. My gush I wish I have a sister like you!! This bracelet is pretty. I know for sure women here would agree with me, love it! I did treat myself with some "toys" for my photography so I need it too. ^_^ Your sister would love that bracelet it stick to my mind now hahahaha!!-wink-wink-

    Macro Monday

  4. I saw these bracelets in Abbotsford at the little jewelry shop and really liked them! Great shot, and now the question... While in Saskatoon I bought a pair of Dreamcatcher earrings (made by a local artisan) at the Trading Post! They're beautiful : ) Love and hello to you and Elaine!!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!