Friday, September 16, 2011

Skywatch Friday

Late afternoon last of the summer shot. Descending sun on an old barn on a clear sunny afternoon. The days have been cloudy and cool since, with rain becoming an expected event.
To see more photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit
for Lighting challenge.


  1. Love the mountains in the background and the barn too. Great shot!

  2. Oh, I so wish someone would repair and restore this old beauty.
    Lovely shot!
    We had our first cool day today - bring on fall!!! :)

  3. Cool barn shot! The dark lighting adds to the mystery.

  4. I love old barns. We are getting rain this weekend too. I guess summer is officially over no matter how much we want it to stay. - Margy

  5. A lovely scene with the mountains and the barn. Wonderful photo, happy skywatching!

  6. I always loved seeing these old barns, they are so much more attractive than the barns we see here in the UK. Very picturesque, and a lovely photo.


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