Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Watery Wednesday with some Midweek Blues too!

I have been trying to teach myself how to make collages with Photoshop and this is the first collage as a result of it. It only took me a couple of hours to figure this out so far. I guess that is how you learn, just keep plugging away at it until it amounts to a reasonable facimile of what you were trying to do in the first place!!
The pictures weren't hard to take, it was a sunny beautiful day at the beach. I don't get many chances or rather enough chances to get down to the beach and enjoy the wonderful scenes!
It was just the collage that was challenging!
I am also going to hook up with Midweek Blues.

To see more photos of Midweek Blues please go and visit http://thedustycellar.blogspot.com/

To see more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. Wow that looks very pretty and peaceful. id love to spend a sunny day at the beach. here in ND we just got temps in the 50's/60's in the last few days. happy spring.
    stopping by from watery wed.

  2. This is my kind of world...where I love to be in all weathers! Beautiful light in thse photos and the collage is delightful!

  3. wow..you did a good job...the photos are so beautiful. I also want to learn how to make collage but don't know where to start. lol.

    Happy WW.

  4. Beautiful pictures and collage! Such beauty!

  5. Lots of pretty blues and quite a bit of water. The collage is great!

    Happy MidWeek Blues,

  6. You did a god job with the collage :)
    And beatuiful pictures of the ocean!
    You are welcome to look at mine :)

  7. super...love this collage! Especially the one with the yacht's masts.

    My Watery Link, if you'd care to visit is here:
    Have a glorious day!

  8. Great collage, friend!
    Love the rock pics:)
    Didn't realize one could do that with photoshop!

  9. I will never tire of loving beach scenes! Great shots.

  10. You did a great job with that collage. I have no idea how to make something like that. Good for you.

    Beautiful photos too.


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