Sunday, April 10, 2011

Macro Monday

My hubby and I took a Photography Seminar a couple of weekends ago. One of the Seminars was on Painting with Light. The instructor talked about the process, showed us his photos, and then demonstrated the technique for Painting with Light. He let a couple of the students also try it and I was lucky enough to try the process. I learn better by trying, or doing so it was great to get the opportunity
I immediately went home, and took over the spare bedroom and set it up so I could Paint with light in my house. This photo is the first photo I tryed this on. I think for the first shot at it, its okay!
I have so many other things around this house that is going to get painted!!
To see other photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. I love it! What a creative subject. Light is a big topic in art. I'm always asking my kids about their drawings - what is the light source(s)?

  2. I used garbage bags over the windows to really blacken the room, and turned the lights out. I focused the photo, turned the lights out and used a small flashlight to provide the light over a long exposure. So painted with light with a flashlight.

  3. Painting with a flashlight and camera. How interesting! Thank you for sharing.

  4. So lucky of you to have that opportunity. Thanks for the truly awesome photo.

  5. I love the subject and the light!! WOW, looking forward to more, thankyou Lorna

  6. Somehow this pic makes me feel nostalgic... the lighting, color and the mood the pic creates are awesome.

    Very very creative....


  7. Gorgeous image... love all the keys... Fascinating use of light...

  8. Love the golden shine!!!

    My Link for today:
    Hot pink...BEAUTY and the BEAST

  9. Love they say!photography is all about the light!

  10. That's what photography is, "painting with light." You did an EXCELLENT job. Love it.

  11. The lighting and setup is pretty neat in this image; nicely done.

  12. Great shot! Love your comment explaining how you did it. I'd love to hear more.

  13. Wonderful work!! I would like to learn more about that technique, but not till I am over this cold.

  14. Hi Lorna, Wow, this is a brilliant first attempt! I knew of this technique years ago but only used it in a big studio. I'm impressed you did it in your home. Well done!!!

  15. The light is just beautiful in this, and I love the subject and composition as well.
    Beautifully done, and I look forward to seeing more :-)


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!