Thursday, April 14, 2011

Skywatch Friday

We have had Spring for the past few weeks. All the signs of Spring are everywhere. Daffodils and Tulips are all blooming. Cherry trees are all blossoming. Azaleas are blooming. The temperatures have been warm enough to wear shirt sleeves outside. We did not get the horrible winter that was predicted. So imagine the surprise when we looked out the windows this morning to a blizzard! Winter came for one last show!
It lasted about two hours and when it finished falling there were a couple inches on the ground that promptly started the job of melting.
Here are a few pictures of Snow and Cherry Blossoms and Recovering Skies!
These are the Cherry Blossom Trees at Thunderbird Square outside City Hall.

Full in bloom Azaleas on the other side of fence.
It was super grey and dark when the snow was falling, and after it cleared up for a bit. The clouds did come back after and the rain started.
Some snowy extra blooms for you to see!

To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, pleasse go and visit


  1. Just want to say that I love your blog and I think the pics are some of the most fabulous I've seen so far.

  2. wow, that is weird, the snow and the blossoms in one pic!

  3. we've had crazy spring weather here too....pretty pictures!!

  4. Beautiful shots!

    I would be so happy if you could visit my Sky Watch at Kids e-Connection, thank you so much!

  5. These are amazing, stunningly beautiful photos! Nature seems to be having a personality crisis!

  6. Oh my goodness these photos are awesome! All the trees looks so beautiful. Glad I found your blog!

  7. Gorgeous!

    My Sky Watch, please come and see. Have a nice weekend!

  8. Super shots.. . Loved the depth of each of them, each pic looks magical!!
    Have a lovely weekend:)


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