Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pizza Dip

I am continuing my search for all things good on a plate that would also taste awesome on a chip. Who does not like pizza and here it tastes awesome on a chip, or a piece of Bagette or crackers! It all tastes great!! Here is how to make it!!
I started by roasting a pan of typical vegetables you would find on a pizza, such as onions, cherry tomatoes, peppers, jalepenos. I really think roasting vegetables enhances their flavors.  The sky is the limit I think. Whatever vegetables you enjoy, throw them in a pan, drizzle with Olive Oil  and sprinkle 1 TBSP. Italian Seasonings over top. Roast in a 400 degree oven until cooked to perfection! Set aside to cool while you prepare the next layers.

The next layer would be the "crust" layer of the dip.
8 oz Cream Cheese
1/4 cup Sour Cream
1/4 cup Mayonaise
1 cup Grated Mozzarella Cheese
1 good handful of fresh Basil, chopped.
1 tsp. Fresh Pepper
Mix all ingredients together and spread in the bottom of your baking dish.
This would fit nicely in a 9x13 or so pan. I split mine up into two pans.

Spread a good layer of Pizza Sauce over the cheese layer. I liked the extra spicy garlic and basil pizza dip I found at the local grocery store.

Next comes the meat!!! I used a combination of Pepperoni and spicy Salami. Here again in this layer the sky is the limit for the meat. What you like on a pizza would be good here.

On top of the meat layer, it is now time to add your roasted vegetables and olives and fruit.
I start with the roasted vegetables, and then add a small can of drained Pineapple tidbits and a small can of drained Black Olives.
I like the sweet taste of the pineapple and the salty taste of the olives against the creamy cheese layer and the spicy meat.

A nice thick layer of more Cheese on the top and its ready for the oven!
Bake in the middle rack of your oven at 350 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes or until nicely browned and bubbly.

This dip is so good, I am looking forward to trying different combinations of "pizza toppings" to make it different next time. I served this with slices of Bagette bread and with Multigrain tortilla chips.
Try your own combinations and make it yourself!

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I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!