Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's Flowers

The water lilies along the lake edge in Mill Lake Park are all blooming right now.

We went to the Bloedal Conservatory in Vancouver yesterday looking for a cool place to take photos on a pouring rain day. This Calla Lily came out of the camera this way, I thought it kind of looked like a painting so here it is for you. I kind of like it this way!!

And lastly, a couple of white lilies from the Conservatory. It is a beautiful rainy day place to visit and enjoy. I will be putting up some more photos from it in the days to come.
For more of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. That third photo is so funny! It looks as though someone has spilled something on the lilies! They sure are pretty, though!

  2. Beautiful captures although the first shot is of yellow Iris.

  3. Oops!! I stand corrected, Thank you!!!!


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