Friday, May 28, 2010

Skywatch Friday

I finally have some semblance of photos back on my computer after the big crash!! It's been so long since I was last able to post some pictures, hope you all have not given up on me in the meantime!!

This was taken last weekend at Rocky Point Park. It was later in the evening and the light was getting sweet.  We weren't the only ones watching the skies.

We did not get to spend too much time at this park but it warrants going back for further exploration. We were on our way home from Vancouver and thought we would just stop for a quick look.

To enjoy more photos of Skywatch Friday, please visit


  1. I like it...indeed a beautiful place to know and see. great post!
    MAPEH homepage
    Pink Go Green

  2. A sweet set of pics. The light is fine, the landscape engaging. Thanks for sharing with us.


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