Thursday, June 3, 2010

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday here are a few shots from my recent trip to Campbell River.

This is the small Quadra Island Ferry running between Campbell River and Quadra Island. It is about a half hour trip to use it.

And you can see the Ferry sailing off in the distance.
The skies were bright blue with the occasional puffy white clouds along the edge of the horizon.

Campbell River has a continuous Marina along its main street, which is actually the Island Highway. There is a seawall Walkway all along the shore which is beautiful to walk along and view the ocean and marinas.

And one final picture of the Boats for you with the blue sky behind. Nothing but blue skies!!

To view other's pictures of Skywatch Friday, please visit


  1. Hello Dew Drops: We're Skywatch Friday neighbors! I want to be on this boat enjoying this view with you.

    Great post.



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