Thursday, April 29, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Finally it is my Friday!! I have a three day weekend coming and it can't be coming soon enough!!
It promises to be a fairly nice weekend out, partly cloudy with slight chance of rain on Saturday morning.
Both of these pictures were taken at Harrison Hot Springs a couple of weekends ago.

For more pictures of Skywatch Friday, please visit

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Small Gift for my friend Jane

I am blessed in my life to have a friend, Jane who has been in my life for the past thirty years. She and I have been through lots together, living in small town Saskatchewan in somewhat isolation and to have found each other there and become friends for life. We don't get to see each other very much but we do keep in touch with each other all the time. She lives in the States now and me here in B.C. With the wonder of this internet we can keep in touch each day and keep current with each other's lives. I miss though seeing her and sitting in each other's kitchens over the latest pots of coffee discussing everything that is going on with each other.
That is why I am so excited to hear she is coming up here for a visit in August! So far away!! I can hardly wait.
So in the meantime I have a little gift for her. I know she comes here often to visit and see my latest pictures so I have one just for her. We both share a love of Hummingbirds. Aren't they fascinating!! I can sit for endless periods of times lost in just watching them do their thing.
So Jane, this one is for you!!
Starting the countdown of days till you get here!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Macro Monday

I recently took a toy train set of Thomas the Tank Train out to real life Train Tracks and shot some photos of the train. I entered a picture on a Photo Contest afterwards.
For more photos of Macro Monday, please visit

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday

A few more pictures from the Classic Car show for Straight out of the Camera Sunday.
This car show was on all Weekend at The Tradex in Abbotsford, B.C.
The A +W Car. My hubby would drive the next car home if someone threw him the keys!!
And I would drive this next one home if someone handed me the keys!
I would not turn down the next car either. Why can't cars look like these ones these days?
This car looks like the kind of cars I remember my Uncle Norman driving around in so many years ago.
My friend Greg had a truck like the next picture, but it sure did not look like this one. His was quite a bit beat up!
And one more picture of the Batmobile for you! (See previous post, I think two posts down)
For more pictures of Straight out of the Camera Sunday, please visit

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monochrome Weekend

Have you ever felt like you have been led down the garden path?? Emotionally it can be upsetting and disturbing to think where someone is leading you is not in your best interests. And that they are not carrying your best interests in their heart. I am not into those kinds of garden paths for sure.
There are garden paths I would gladly go down and this is one of them. I might not be able to see where the path goes, or where it will end but I would be the one making the choice to go down that garden path. I think that makes a difference, in the travels and in the destination.
For more photos of Monochrome Weekend, please go and visit

Friday, April 23, 2010

Classic Car Show, the Batmobile.

My hubby is a huge Batman fan. He is also a collector of all things Batman so finding out that the first original Batmobile and its creator, George Barris was coming to town to the Classic Car Show was awesome news to him.
Even more awesome for him was to be able to provide the in-show security for the Batmobile and George Barris during the entire three day show. It is like a huge dream come true for him. He gets some of his collectible cars personally autographed by George Barris and gets to sit in the Batmobile among other things.
It is different to see the car in person than on the screen of the TV. My hubby also has all the shows, movies and cartoons, and comics and graphic novels as well.
My hubby standing next to the Batmobile.
Side view of the Batmobile.
My hubby and George Barris shaking hands.
The details on the Batmobile were quite detailed, even down to small bats on the hubs of all the wheels.
My hubby was so excited to be the one doing security he togged out his uniform to reflect the things he was providing security for. He sewed some of his patch collection onto his uniform shirts!
The newest Batman, in a few years or more.
I will post some more pictures of other cars at the car show in later posts.
It was not all about Batman after all!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Skywatch Friday

An afternoon sky taken at Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.
Have a great weekend everyone, even though it is only Thursday, its my Friday!!!
For more photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Watery Wednesday

I recently took a toy train set, Thomas the Train set down to Matsqui Park to photograph the Train Set on the Train tracks and while I was there, I took a few pictures of a couple of the trains that interupted my shoot.
This is the Bridge that the train tracks I was using went onto, over the Fraser River.
Also crossing the Fraser River is the Mission Abbotsford Bridge that carries traffic back and forth between Mission and Abbotsford.
This is a view of Mission from across the Fraser River on the Abbotsford side.

For more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go to

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today's Flowers

We were out searching for more flowers yesterday, and found lots of tulips again.
Sometimes the angle you take the picture can make it seem like there are more tulips than there really is.
It really was just a bed of flowers.
For more photos of Today's Flowers, please visit

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Turtles sunning themselves on a grassy rock in a small lake in Chilliwack.
To see other's Pictures of Watery Wednesday, please visit

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Macro Monday

Hubby and I went to a Rock and Gem show today. Here are a few pendants from that show.
And another one....
And another one.....
For more Macro Monday photos, please go and visit

Today's Flowers

Tulips are everywhere right now. The store's flower displays have them, the flower stands on the sides of the road have them and the fields are full of them as well.
We missed attending the Annual Tulip Festival so had to stand outside the fence to snap some photos of the fields of Tulips.
There are 40 acres of tulips here with the backdrop of the Coastal Mountains.
The fields were beautiful with their colourful stripes.
For more flowers of Today's Flowers, please go and visit

Monochrome Weekend

Meet Casey, a Rotwieller/Lab cross we met today at the park. He looks like a big bear but he is really a big softey!!
For more photos of Monochrome Weekend please go and visit

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday's Favorite Five

Five favorite things for this week!!
1) Days Off - Seems I have been waiting all week for these next two days off. What a long week! The sun is supposed to shine all weekend and they say it will be 16 Celcius tomorrow.
2) Pineapple - fresh at least from the store. It seems like summer when you eat it. I've eaten enough of it lately to make my mouth sore. But that doesn't stop me!
3) Daffodils - Today is Daffodil Day, wear a daffodil to support Cancer Awareness. I am on my way to the Daffodil festival when I finish this, to stand in fields of daffodils and get some good photos. And I am bringing some home with me to cheer up the house!!
4) New Balance Runners - new I mean, white and clean and not creased at least for a little bit. Love me some new runners!!
5) Tulip Festival - Its all about the flowers this week. Spring flowers. I am going tomorrow for the tulip festival. More pictures to follow for that.
Here is a preview for you!!!
For more of Friday's Favorite Five, please go and visit

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The afternoon sky over Granville Island in Vancouver. Granville Island is a huge open Market and Novelty Stores. It is the home as well to several live theaters and also to Emily Carr University of Fine Arts.
This view is taken from the back of the Open Market. You can sit and enjoy meals of food bought in the Market.
This was taken last weekend. For more pictures of other skies of the world, please go and visit

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Is there anything better than going down to the local watering hole and feeding ducks??
A huge bag of birdseed is a must!
The numbers of birds is really growing!
Small hands make the birdseed last longer!
The level in that bag of birdseed never seemed to go down.
Next to watching others feed the birds it is one of my favorite things to do. I used to feed birds with my Dad, who has been gone now for 10 years. It brings back good memories when I feed the birds!
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday, please visit