Thursday, April 29, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Finally it is my Friday!! I have a three day weekend coming and it can't be coming soon enough!!
It promises to be a fairly nice weekend out, partly cloudy with slight chance of rain on Saturday morning.
Both of these pictures were taken at Harrison Hot Springs a couple of weekends ago.

For more pictures of Skywatch Friday, please visit


  1. What fantastic captures! The second one really boggled my mind although they are both gorgeous! They look like paintings! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  2. If those aren't just the most beautiful pictures ever. I love the tree and blues backing it and the fog.

  3. That top image of the sky through the blossoming tree is just gorgeous!

  4. the second photo is simply beautiful! so romantic.:p

  5. wonderful silouettes of the trees against teh blue sky. The mountains in the back look mysterious

    thanks for commenting!
    dew or raindrops are great if you manage to capture them on a photo. I hav esome great ones of a spiderweb after the rain

    christina, sweden


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!