Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today's Flowers

Tulips are everywhere right now. The store's flower displays have them, the flower stands on the sides of the road have them and the fields are full of them as well.
We missed attending the Annual Tulip Festival so had to stand outside the fence to snap some photos of the fields of Tulips.
There are 40 acres of tulips here with the backdrop of the Coastal Mountains.
The fields were beautiful with their colourful stripes.
For more flowers of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. Dear, I love tulips..I am crazy for it. I have been in Holland and have taken lots...congrats
    have a nice week

  2. Beautiful! I would love to see in person so many tulips in bloom all at once.

  3. Love the macro!
    You captured the rows of flowers beautifully!
    Must have been awesome in person.

  4. Fantastic! That must have been a sight to behold. Thank you for sharing and have a great week.

  5. Tulips is a beautiful flower.
    I love it.

  6. Those are really beautiful shots. I love the first one of the close up...very artistic. Once all those fields are in full bloom, I'm sure the colors will be out of this world! Thanks for visiting me!

  7. Mrs. D: That is an amazing photo of all the tulips. What a show.

  8. love tulips too!!!
    great photos. And I'm glad I was able to help you out in figuring out how to upload a larger format (I'm not using the updated blogspot editor)

  9. Wow look at that paradise!

    Thanks a lot for the visit today, hope to see each other often.

  10. awesome! I think i want to live in that third photo! Beeeeeautiful!


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