Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday's Favorite Five

Five favorite things for this week!!
1) Days Off - Seems I have been waiting all week for these next two days off. What a long week! The sun is supposed to shine all weekend and they say it will be 16 Celcius tomorrow.
2) Pineapple - fresh at least from the store. It seems like summer when you eat it. I've eaten enough of it lately to make my mouth sore. But that doesn't stop me!
3) Daffodils - Today is Daffodil Day, wear a daffodil to support Cancer Awareness. I am on my way to the Daffodil festival when I finish this, to stand in fields of daffodils and get some good photos. And I am bringing some home with me to cheer up the house!!
4) New Balance Runners - new I mean, white and clean and not creased at least for a little bit. Love me some new runners!!
5) Tulip Festival - Its all about the flowers this week. Spring flowers. I am going tomorrow for the tulip festival. More pictures to follow for that.
Here is a preview for you!!!
For more of Friday's Favorite Five, please go and visit


  1. I had come to check out your Skywatch. Glad I was behind because this is a beautiful shot!

  2. I didn't know Friday was Daffodil Day -- I love them.

    Your banner is so beautiful.

    Hope you have a wonderful week coming up.

  3. Love the tulip picture. My favorite flower!

    I am the same as you with pineapples. Love them when they are fresh and sweet.

    Sounds like it will be a lovely weekend for you weather wise. Enjoy it!

  4. I didn't know about Daffodil Day, either. I would have worn one!

    Spring flowers are so very welcome after the dark winter months.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow, that is really gorgeous -- I love the way the color seems to merge from the stem to the petals.

    Hope you enjoyed your two days off. And hope next week won't feel so long!


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