Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Freezing cold in this neck of the woods.

First it was the skylight being ripped off the house and flung into the neighbour's back yard. A big open hole in the ceiling of our kitchen, snow gently falling onto the kitchen counter, the heat rising up through the hole and out. Lucky for us a friend came over and replaced the skylight and all is well there.
Tonight the furnace decides to quit. The pilot light goes out and it will not go on. Its 10degrees below Celcius outside and starting to snow again. No heat in the house. So again we phone around and find a repairman willing to brave the elements and venture out to help us. We did find one, he came over right away and fixed the problem. He charged us a minimal fee, mostly for parts for his labor.
There are good people out there and we seem to be on a quest to find them, via our broken home.

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