Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Ornaments

We put up our little tree this weekend. It is only a foot tall and already decorated. There are a few ornaments that are loose but the ribbon, lights, garland flowers etc. are all glued on. It is the easiest thing to put up now that it is only my hubby and me here for decorating. The tree used to belong to my dad and decorated his room in the nursing home when he was alive. We inherited it after so for me it has a bit of sentimental value. My hubby has a wicked sense of humour and this Christmas ornament appealed to it. His shirt says Slay Bells Ring and he hides behind the tree and trys to catch the duck!!

This is my newest ornament. I bought it a couple of weeks ago and the thing I liked best about it is its egg shape. I collect eggs you see. I love the blue stones as well.
This little duck is older than I am. He was the very first ornament I ever recieved right after I was born. If you put him on a slanted surface his little feet walk down the hill!! His colouring has long faded, the black of his eyes are gone and his beak is washed out orange now but Christmas would not be Christmas without him.
I have yet to finish shopping but considering that we have five more days until Christmas, I am doing pretty good. One more present to buy and I actually found it today in a downtown store. I couldn't pick it up as I need some strong arms and a big space in the back of my car to transport it. I am going to beg my neighbour to lend me her SUV and help me go to get it. I can't tell you what it is!! My darling daughter might just read this!!

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