Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winter Storms

Its been a very chilly blustery day here. Winter has finally arrived with a vengeance. You can't believe the weather man who says it will be clear and cold here with no snow falling. Its cloudy and cold and the snow is falling right now.
The wind was blowing so hard earlier it sounded like a wild animal outside the door. You could feel it shake the house. It blew so hard that one gust caused the kitchen skylight to loosen, and the next gust picked the skylight up and blew it off the roof, and completely into the neighbour next door's yard. We were very lucky it did not break. But there we were, 5pm on a Saturday night of the coldest most miserable day of the year, and after all the stores have closed with a great big hole right over the kitchen counter. Snow drifting in and the heat in the house drifting out to the great outdoors. Well, now that is a dilemna. My hubby otherwise known as the Bear is handicapped and cannot be running around up ladders and on the roof and neither can I. Who to call. No business either roofing or glass would come out. We finally called a friend whose hubby is a construction worker and he came over, braved the cold and the roof and fixed it for us. Luckily when the skylight went sailing through the air it did not break.
And there are good samaritans out there, he not only came over and did the deed for us but he would not accept any kind of payment for it, even for the stuff he had to buy to fix it for us.
He is definetly on my Christmas list.
I am so grateful for my friends.

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