Saturday, August 3, 2013

Purple heals my blues

Its been so hard to even think about getting out with my camera to take pictures since breaking my leg three weeks ago. Walking with a cast and crutches has been very awkward, and carrying a full camera bag didn't thrill me a lot. Consequently, I missed my Tuesday project 52 photo, but here it is better late than never!!
Hubby and I went out today, first time with my camera and went to a local park. Not much walking required, or rather navigating with crutches, we found a nice bed of flowers with a bench around it, and I got some pics. 

We also found a park bench by the lake and watched swimmers brave the water, seagulls fight for Pizza and dogs walking their people!!
I know I am breaking a few rules of composition, but I kind of like the off kiltered way of cropping I chose for these flower shots. It fits my off kilter way of getting around right now! 

Finally a close up for you. 
I am going to the Specialist on Tuesday and will have some more X-rays, close up shots of my broken bone to find out how its healing. I hope well, and that I will only have a few more weeks of inconvenience to go through. 


  1. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your broken leg. It makes these flowers even more awesome knowing that you are having to get around on crutches. They truly are gorgeous and I thank you very, very much for sharing them with Today's Flowers. Wishing you fast healing and hope it won't be long before you get your cast off. Happy Sunday to you :)

  2. I hope you get well soonest, those are lots of wonderful flowers and lovely shots. Never mind the rule of composition, as long as they are beautiful.

  3. So sorry about your leg. Your photos are so beautiful!!

  4. Lovely photos, hope you will recover soon!!!

  5. I don't care at all that you broke the rules of composition! I've read them all, but in the end, I just frame my photos how they look best to me and blow the rules. I think that works well for you, too!

    Love the daisies. Sorry to hear you broke your leg though. I hope it heals fast.

  6. The stages of purple in the blooms are interesting. My Echinacea gets the tiny yellow flowers in the disc too. I hope you heal quickly and get your cast off soon, I know how miserable it is trying to bathe with one.


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