Monday, August 12, 2013

Flutter By!

Hubby and I went to the local Butterfly house here in town and I will be posting some of the pictures of the different butterflies, birds, and animals we saw there.
 It was gorgeous there, tons of plants, flowers and a big pond in the middle. Mist sprinklers here and there. Bridges, and wooden paths to traverse. Benches along the way which with my injured leg were my friend!!
 Blue skies coming in from behind the glass gave an appearance of being outside to the place. It was very warm and humid inside. Kind of tropical!
 I wish I knew the names of the different butterflies to add here, but I don't. I just enjoyed watching them, flying and taking breaks on different leaves of the abundant foliage there.

 This butterfly was beautiful, and hanging out on orange flowers to boot!
Come back over the next few days to check out more photos of Butterfly House!



  1. i recognize the second one, a swallowtail; they visit my garden;
    a happy Monday to you and your hubby

    much love...

  2. Oops, you forgot to link in to Blue Monday. Please place a link to Blue Monday on your post so that others can find us. Then return to link in again with Mr. Linky. You can find the code when you click on the blue bird located in my sidebar.


  3. Amazing butterflies captures! I love the middle one in Yellow. :)

  4. WOW!!! Guess I won't be sayng no to my wife about visiting a butterfly museum --lol-- Lovely shots!

  5. Lush, almost tropical images. Beautifully shot and I love the patterns of those creatures.
    Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)


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