Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hopefully the Last Winter Walk

I hope that this particular winter walk is the last of the winter to walk in!!
We parked at the top of the cliffs of Echodale, and walked along the bluff to take these photos.

Looking down on the parking lot below. I was trying to find my sister's truck in the parking lot!

Somewhat of a fence along side of the road.
My Hubby up in the lookout at the top of the hill.

The Red Cliffs of Redcliffe where my kids live.

The sparse trees on the sides of the hill is spindly, sparse, and bent to the winds that blow a lot around here.

Everything here is brown, brown everywhere. Except for the white of the snow!!
The sun shines all the time out here, or so it seems. I love heading out for a walk in the sun each day. 


  1. Beautiful photography ~ agree though I need Spring! ^_^

  2. stopping by via Outdoor Wednesday - love your snowy photos. The fence is my favorite.

  3. Yes. Hopefully Spring is coming soon. I am ready to not have snow in my pictures.

  4. I'm sure you're tired of snow, but the brown plants peeking out of the snow intrigue me! Lovely set of photos.

  5. Gosh, it seems so baren, isolated and cold. Hoping things warm up soon. Hope you have a blessed Easter.

  6. I just happened to come across your blog and I am really enjoying your view of another part of Alberta.


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