Friday, March 15, 2013

Calgary Reflections

I went on a short road trip with my daughter to Calgary, Alberta for her eye appointment. 
We had been worried about the weather conditions for the day we left because it had snowed quite heavily a couple days before we had to go.

It ended up to be a very nice day, cold though but no snow fell for our trip. The skies were quite grey and heavy when we left for Calgary, but the closer we got the better the weather was.
We had to go right into downtown Calgary amongst all the highrises and narrow busy streets typical of the inner city. We parked and walked the short distance to the building she had to go to for her appointment. These were the towering structures we walked by.

Some of the construction taking place in the downtown area.

I loved the reflections of other buildings and the sky in the windows of the highrises.
The sun shining in the glass panes.

This huge sculpture was in the front of one of the buildings receiving a facelift!

I took all these photos with my little Sony point and shoot, and really wished I had my Nikon to try and do these a bit more justice! Capture the hugeness of these buildings! 
A couple of places we traveled through gave me a bit of a feeling of claustrophobia for their sheer size!

Gorgeous Architecture!

All these photos are SOOC, straight out of the camera!


  1. Awesome buildings, terrific captures and wonderful reflections!! Doesn't get any better than that!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Nice piece of architecture... What giant reflections !

  3. Wow. The city looks so pretty! I've never been there, but I'd love to visit it sometime!

  4. Wow! The only thing I associate with Calgary are images of the stampede -- what a nice surprise to see it to be a modern metropolis. Don't bemoan the trusty point-and-shoot. and, remember, the best camera you have is the one with you.


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