Saturday, January 5, 2013

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One thing we have had our share of lately is rain. And more rain! And more....
It sure is good for catching water drops though! 
This water drop reflects our back fence and the row of trees along the fence.
I don't know what these grass stalks are, but they really hold the water! Click on the photo and see the reflections in the drops! 
Smiling Sally
The name of this blog will tell you I am loving water drops! My never ending challenge is to get a perfect reflection, and I haven't managed that yet! 

Tiny macrocosms of water. The world reflecting in a tiny drop!

One of the things I am trying to make myself do is to change my header photo. Should be simple! Sounds simple. Some would say I don't like change! But 2013 is definitely my year of change.
Our house is sold and move out day is three weeks away. We are living amongst boxes as we go about the chore of packing and sorting, keeping and giving away. We are simplifying and downsizing and lessening the load. It feels good, the further we go. 
The idea of change on such a big scale is daunting, and here I am resisting the simple act of changing my blog header picture! Go figure!
This year my New Year's resolution is "Reconnect"

I feel like these drops at times. Clinging on to a fine wire, any movement will shake me loose and make me fall. The wind can buffet my position and the heat can dry me up.  Any change can come along and send me for a loop. 
Its a risk to take a chance, make a change. I'm trying to embrace it, hell, I am embracing it!!
2013 is my year!


  1. Love the water true how they reflect the world in a small way. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. :)

  2. Beautiful photos of the water drops! I love that you can see the reflections in them

  3. These are fantastic! What a great find, and to be able to take such stunning photos of something so simple! Thanks for sharing!

  4. You have such an art to capture drop, Ms Dewberry ! Lovely effect indeed !

  5. Those dew drops are stunning in their beauty... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #64!

  6. Wow, absolutely beautiful! Love that top one.

  7. Gorgeous captures - keep 'em coming! Thanks for sharing, especially at such a busy time as moving house. Praying that all goes well for you and yours in that process. Happy 2013!

  8. Wow, those are great shots. I love the grass heads with all the little tiny drops clinging to the hairs. They look almost like furry caterpillars!

  9. Amazing collection of droplet images, they look like little beads decorating the grass


  10. Amazing photography reflecting nature's beauty ~

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  11. So many water droplets!! All of them amazing!!


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