Sunday, November 4, 2012

Project 52 - Halloween

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
This is one theme I am totally not prepared for. My camera hasn't been out of its bag for two weeks now. Not one picture of the entire festive day was taken.
I swiped this photo from my friend Ralph's facebook page and it is a pic of all the pumpkins we carved at their recent Pumpkin Carving party the weekend before Halloween.
The pumpkin I carved bottom row, third from the right is a fish. Usually I bring my camera to this party but didn't this year.
The pumpkin directly above mine, the Kiss pumpkin won the contest this year.
Basically I missed Halloween. I have had the bug from hell since after the party. Never had a sore throat like I have right now before, it won't go away and last night my Vertigo kicked in so its been rotten to say the least.
I think it is time for some reinforcements, some antibiotics or something. The med for the Vertigo can only be got at the doctor's. I think its time to admit defeat and bring in the big guns.
Scenic Sunday
I'll leave you with a photo from our last walk in the forest. The colours are awesome this fall.


  1. love the lighted jack-o-lanterns. and the autumn leaves are beautiful.

  2. Both pics are stunning in their own way! Happy Monday:)

  3. Cute pics! Love the jack-o-lanterns.

  4. The jack-o-lanterns were captured beautifully. Like the falling leaf too.

  5. Love the of the things we really miss about fall and Halloween. Hope you're feeling better!

  6. I Love the pumpkins all lit up. What a great variety of designs. What a great job capturing the pumpkins in the low light.

  7. that was so cool. I love the pumpkins. perfectly lit. Happy MYM.
    Scoop and Snap: Moonless Light


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