Saturday, October 27, 2012

Project 52 - Leaves

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
I love walking through the woods on a cool Fall day. Its one of the places where the beauty and colour of the season really is evident.
Scenic Sunday
The forest paths are covered in fallen leaves, the colours are awesome. The air smells fresh.

Camera Critters
Squirrels are preparing for the long winter. We always have a packet of peanuts to pass out.
Being in the rainforest belt, unfortunately the leaves are always wet. The ground is wet, the air is damp and so the leaves never get to dry out and crisp up. I do miss shuffling through a path of dry crunchy leaves and hearing the crunch underfoot.
In fact the day when these were taken, it was raining.
My mind keeps coming back to the poem
 "The Woods were silent, Dark and Deep"
These woods were not silent. If you listened closely there was a buzz of activity in progress. Even with all the people besides us that were out enjoying the fall day, the woods would not of been silent!
Shadow Shot Sunday 2
I love that the photos I took captured one small moment in the Forest life. It will not look like this ever again. It was a fleeting moment to experience and the next time I visit here it will be a totally different experience. Its always new.



  1. Gorgeous autumnal shots.

  2. I am imagining this colourful world rich with beautiful scents of the forest! Gorgeous photos!

  3. Glorious Autumn! - These are just fabulous. I love the leaf strewn paths in your woods. So colorful.

  4. That squirrel with his nut is just too cute. I love those little guys though many folks do not. WOW...the colors on the forest floor are drop dead gorgeous. That a beautiful place to go walking. genie

  5. I love the forests too and feel grateful when I see a deer or two.

    The squirrels are so 'puffy' this time of year up north, as well as busy and a bit tempermental.

  6. Such gorgeous shots here.
    I love the contrast of colors you captured. Orange on the ground, yellow and green on the trees.
    You are right, the forest is an amazing place to just observe. It is always changing yet feels so ancient. I love that.

  7. Beautiful Fall photos. The woods are a wonderful place for a walk, especially in the Fall.
    Happy Sunday!

  8. Great serie of photos, lovely colours and a perfect post for MYM!

  9. Oh so lovely!! Autumn is such a great time!

  10. The squirrel is an added bonus to the beautiful Fall!

    Playful Shadows
    Have a great week ahead!

  11. Lovely colors indeed. Great to capture one busy squirrel there. Enjoy the season.

    My Mellow Yellow Scoop and Snap - One Silent Night

  12. Lovely and lush shots!! Too bad the beauty of Fall is the harbinger of winter --sigh --


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!