Thursday, September 6, 2012

Time moves on.

Pixel Dust Photo Art
Skywatch Friday
One of our favorite rainy day places to go and spend a day at is Granny and Grampa's Antique Barn. Recently one of their huge barns burned almost to the ground so we went out on a sunny day to see how bad the damage was. You can see some of the charred remains in the background of the photo, looking through the spokes of the old wheel hanging on the side of another one of thier barns.
Photos preserve memory of things that have come before. Eventually the remains of this barn will be bulldozed down and probably a new Barn built. This wheel no longer does its day labour but it is preserved for me to see.
(texture applied by pixel dust photo art)


  1. Really nice photo... I like your use of texture.

  2. Perfect choice for movement! And i like the way you textured the background and kept the wheel sharp.

  3. Wonderful shot, love the composition! Happy SKYwatching!

  4. How sad about the burned barn...but a great capture to remember it was once there. I have been photographing our area for years now and as I go by some places I am thankful that I had photographed certain things because they are no longer a part of our town. I like what you said about that is always on my mind when I take a photo.

  5. fabulous composition with the strong dark lines

  6. The textured background really makes the starkness of the wagon wheel stand out. Well done!! Thank you for sharing your work with Photo Art Friday.

  7. Beautifully composed and processed image.

  8. this is just wonderful. that wheel feels like a tree with many memories.

  9. Oh "Wow" this is very moving. I am so sorry to learn of the fire but this piece you've created is an awesome memory.

  10. The wheel gives a great perspective. Too bad about the barn. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. Glad you are preserving the old barn in pictures.

  12. Lovely strong graphic statement, and the colors are intriguing, especially the light touches of orange and red.

  13. What the great texture and old, i don't know what the name is it, but looks gorgeous.


  14. Calling by from Photo Art Friday, a lovely edits I have to learn how to do these things. :)

  15. Such a beautiful photo. The texture is lovely.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!