Friday, August 31, 2012

Project 52 - Endless Summer

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley
The other day at Mill Lake we met a couple named Ray and Wanda, who brought thier two remote control Sailboats down to the lake to sail. We struck up a conversation with them and ended up staying for about four hours sailing boats and visiting.
This is Wanda's sailboat. She doesn't have a name yet for her boat and she was adamant that she did not like the black painted on the boat!
Both her boat and Ray's boat were built by Ray. He uses his boat to sail in Competitions and last week said he brought home a silver!
Skywatch Friday
Gorgeous day for sailing! The temperature was perfect and the sky lightly cloudy. It was one of those endless summer days you could enjoy day after day!
Ray's boat is called the Wild Thing! It was sleek and swift and I am sure its name had something to do with his personality!

This is Wanda. She is in her late seventies and told me that her and Ray were going to be celebrating thier 50th Anniversary in a couple of weeks. He called her Honey and fussed over her.
Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.
And Ray is 80 years young. He was very spry and strong. He was protective over his boats and refused any help getting them in and out of the water and he was attentive and caring to Wanda.
We shared stories and pieces of each of our lives with them and came away at the end of the day much better for having shared our time with them.
Its one of the things I enjoy about endless summers. The weather is fine and people are out and about. You never know who you will meet and what you will enjoy!
Scenic Sunday


  1. What a neat day! And that reflection in that last shot is perfect, framed between Wanda and Ray!

  2. That seems like such a delightful way to spend the day. Makes one wish summer would never end.

  3. Lovely story and pictures. I have always wanted to try boats like that and can only hope and pray for 50 years of marriage!

  4. The first pictures are so misleading : I thought you took pictures of normal sized boats !!! Nice twist !

  5. Love in action. very touching and the sorrounding is just perfect:)


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